

的职业 & Civic Engagement Center’s robust (and growing!) catalog of intensives provides many opportunities for students to delve into areas that pique their interests.

金融职业生涯 密集的

了解更多有关 Future Ready: Job and Grad School Boot Camp 密集的.

Leadership Essentials 密集的

Leadership Learning Laboratory 密集的

LITS: Critical Making in the Makerspace 密集的

LITS: Data Visualization 密集的

LITS: Digital 讲故事 密集的

了解更多有关 LSAT Prep · Management Consulting 密集的. 

Nonprofit Financial Analysis 密集的

Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN) Seminars 密集的

讲故事 密集的

Students can explore different industries by learning key concepts and principles, connecting with alumnae/i and other professionals in the field, and working with case studies. Students can also learn more about themselves as leaders, 团队成员, and individuals with powerful personal narratives.

研究 are a great way for students to engage with the 职业生涯 & Civic Engagement Center's core competencies in meaningful, practical, and fun ways. Whether it’s learning skills helpful to new and experienced leaders alike or taking part in a site visit off campus, students are encouraged to reflect on the ways in which their understanding of the competencies impacts who they are as leaders and 团队成员.


Contact Katie Turek at kturek@lin-koln.com

Feedback from Previous Workshops

的职业 & Civic Engagement Center welcomes student feedback via evaluation forms after each offering. 

讲故事 “I learned a lot about myself and Bryn Mawr as a community. All the little exercises we did helped develop and hone my public speaking skills. Everything from the improv to the resume workshop to the story telling to the public speaking workshops gave me more tips, 建议, and realizations on how to present myself now.” 

金融职业生涯 “I really learned about the importance of how learning never stops, during and after my time at Bryn Mawr. There is an amazing sense of responsibility and self-accountability that all of the individuals we met with had; they worked very hard to get where they are, but they are so grateful to be able to help others who are going through the process! It was incredibly inspiring to hear.”

Management Consulting “The program was very insightful and hands-on. 节目结束后, I've got a clear idea of what consulting is, 咨询师做什么, and how it will make an impact. Listening to people sharing their experience working in consulting makes me realize that I want to work with people like that, and this could be something I would really enjoy doing. Also, I've had the chance to actually solve problems like the ones that consultants do. I think learning about consulting with an interactive and hands-on approach really sparked my interest in this profession.”

创业 & 创新 “I learned how to create a business that will stay relevant as the times change and that will still stay true to my passion.”


For dates, times and registration details, log on to 握手.



的职业 & Civic Engagement Center
