Daily Digest 和 Listservs


Daily Digest Summer Usage

Daily Digest will be sent every other week during the summer, 和 will contain announcements 和 events for the upcoming two weeks. See summer publication schedule at link.


T在这里 has been an update to the events 和 announcements submission process. All submissions of events 和 announcements for the website 和/or Daily Digest need to be submitted by 10 a.m., two business days prior to the desired promotion date. This is a change to the previous deadline, which was 10 a.m., one business day prior to the desired promotion date. 请注意: If you are promoting a Saturday or Sunday event, the deadline to submit for promotion on Friday is Wednesday at 10 a.m. 


Announcement Submission Form

Academic Year Daily Digest Publication Schedule

Summer Daily Digest Publication Schedule


的 Daily Digest is Bryn Mawr College’s daily e-newsletter sent out to all of campus, listing important information in regards to upcoming or day-of 公告 和 事件. 的 Daily Digest arrives by email just after midnight each weekday during the academic year.

的 goals of the Daily Digest are:

  • To decrease the quantity of mass emails each person receives in their inbox
  • To increase visibility 和 awareness of campus happenings by encouraging email readership by having everything in one place

How can I submit my Event or Announcement to the Daily Digest?

的 Daily Digest is made up of a compilation of 事件 和 公告 submitted by members of the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 通讯unity. Anyone can submit a request for consideration.

All submissions of events 和 announcements for the website 和/or Daily Digest need to be submitted by 10 a.m., two business days prior to the desired promotion date. This is a change to the previous deadline, which was 10 a.m., one business day prior to the desired promotion date. 请注意: If you are promoting a Saturday or Sunday event, the deadline to submit for promotion on Friday is Wednesday at 10 a.m.

位置餐饮 应该由 会议和活动 提交前. 

Academic Year Daily Digest Publication Schedule

  • 的 Daily Digest is published every weekday of the academic year when classes are in session.
  • It is sent on an as-needed basis over fall break, winter break once the College reopens, 还有春假.

注意: 整个夏天, the Daily Digest will be sent every two weeks 和 will cover the upcoming two weeks' worth of events.

Summer 2024 Daily Digest Publication Schedule 

  • 5月20日星期一
  • 6月3日星期一
  • 6月17日星期一
  • 7月1日星期一
  • 7月15日星期一
  • 7月29日星期一
  • 8月12日星期一
  • Monday, August 26 (resumes normal schedule)

注意: 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 strives to provide equal access to all College-sponsored activities 和 events. Learn more by reading the College's accessibility policy for events.

问题? 电子邮件 通讯unications@lin-koln.com.

How many times can I submit an Event?

Each Event will be promoted on the day of the event, with the option to select two additional dates for a total of three occurrences in the Daily Digest.

How many times can I submit an Announcement?

Each Announcement may be promoted on up to two dates.

How are the Daily Digest 和 the 事件日历 on lin-koln.com相关?

事件 that are submitted to the Daily Digest also appear as part of the lin-koln.com 事件日历.

事件 can be syndicated to sections 和 pages on lin-koln.com.

To learn more, visit the following resource pages:

A note about listserv usage:  

Prior to the Daily Digest, individuals used mailing lists (listservs) to send mass emails. 的se listservs still exist 和 include many niche lists as well as others that encompass large segments of the Bryn Mawr 通讯unity.   

教员名单, 工作人员, each undergraduate class, 和 each graduate school are automatically maintained. 的se lists are intended to be used in a very limited fashion for important information that pertains to all members of each list. Examples would include (but are not limited to) messages from the 总统办公室, housing information for students, human resources updates for faculty 和 工作人员, or faculty governance information for the faculty. Solicitation or fundraising of any kind is prohibited.  

大学通信 does not moderate or administer campus listservs. For more information on listservs, go 在这里.




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招生: admissions@lin-koln.com 

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