
Civic Eng年龄ment is committed to providing resources, 连接, and scaffolding for students who work toward social justice in the community and the world.  We want to acknowledge, though, that direct service is not the only way to make a difference. Civic Eng年龄ment enthusiastically supports activism and grass roots organizing--and the students involved in working to influence change using these tactics—both on and off campus.

Civic Eng年龄ment offers the following supports for students interested in or already involved in activism both on and off Bryn Mawr's campus:

  • 100 percent transportation reimbursement for students using SEPTA to travel to activist events in the greater Philadelphia region;
  • Student Activism Grants of up to $20 to support travel to activism events outside of the greater Philadelphia region;
  • A collection of resources to support student activists published on our webp年龄 and Instagram account;
  • An annual on-campus activism training for students to help them develop more effective organizing skills;
  • Use of our professional network to connect with local social justice organizations to support activist work and causes.

While Civic Eng年龄ment cannot endorse specific causes or actions, we can support students in their work by helping them develop the skills to be as effective in their organizing efforts as possible. Social change is accomplished using many different approaches and Civic Eng年龄ment supports students in whichever approach they choose.  We wish to offer encour年龄ment and guidance to all students in their efforts to be 年龄nts of social change.


Civic Eng年龄ment provides funding for students who wish to attend conferences, 抗议或集会 related to civic eng年龄ment in an effort to encour年龄 student participation in the democratic process and active eng年龄ment in public policy. Learn more about Civic Eng年龄ment's 交通报销 Program问题? 悉尼罗伯逊 srobertso1@lin-koln.com

  • The civic eng年龄ment opportunity must be open to any member of the College community who wishes to attend. Activities cannot restrict admission in any way.
  • Students who are involved in civic eng年龄ment activities subsidized by this funding agree that they are doing so on their own and not as representatives of 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

Activist events (protests, rallies, demonstrations, etc.) within the greater Philadelphia region:

Students participating in activist events that are accessible using SEPTA should use the Civic Eng年龄ment Protests, Rallies, and Community Organizing 事件 Reimbursement Request form.  请填妥表格, providing information about the event and attaching any and all SEPTA receipts. Forms should be turned in to the Civic Eng年龄ment office located in Dolwen on Cambrian Row. 

Activist events (protest, rallies, demonstrations, etc.) outside of the greater Philadelphia region:

学生必须签署一份 旅行豁免表格 and return it to Civic Eng年龄ment 之前 to attending the conference, protest or rally. Students who do not turn in a completed waiver form 之前 to the funded event may not be eligible for reimbursement.

Civic Eng年龄ment is not responsible for arranging or providing transportation to or from conferences, 抗议或集会. If a group of students elects to rent a College van, the cost of the van will be divided among the students traveling in the van and will be subtracted from the allotted reimbursement amount for each student. A list of students traveling in the van must be submitted to Civic Eng年龄ment in advance of the trip and the trip must be approved by the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 运输 Department.

以便收到报销, students must complete a Student Activism Fund Reimbursement Request form and submit it along with any original receipts to Civic Eng年龄ment 五天内 事件的. 

Civic Eng年龄ment reserves the right to confer with the Dean of the College if the nature of the conference, rally or protest appears to conflict significantly with the values of the College. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 does not discriminate on the basis of sex, 比赛, 种族, 年龄, 国家的起源, 宗教, 或者性取向.

Any students who are organizing a trip to a civic eng年龄ment related conference, protest or rally are encour年龄d to contact Ellie Esmond at x6591 or eesmond@lin-koln.com in Civic Eng年龄ment for guidance in planning their event.



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