NSEP Boren Scholarship

Students interested in academic programs abroad, in countries other than Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all those of Western Europe, may want to learn more about the NSEP Boren Scholarship. The Boren Scholarship Program is designed to increase U.S. knowledge of languages and countries deemed to have security interest for the U.S.

Applicants must write a statement of purpose that discusses their plans to “address important global economic, political and social issues affecting national security.” Recipients must agree to a “service requirement,” to work either in a federal agency with national security responsibilities or in an academic field related to the area of study for which the scholarship was given.


  • Preliminary: N/A
  • Internal: Jan. 8, 2025
  • External: early February 2025

Who is Eligible?

Current undergraduates (including seniors willing to defer officially receiving their degree) committed to the study of languages, cultures, and world regions that are critical to U.S. national security and that are not widely studied in the U.S. Only freshmen and sophomores may apply for funding for summer programs. The Boren may also be used to fund a semester of study abroad during the junior year. U.S. citizenship required.

Adviser: Eleanor (Ellie) Stanford, Fellowship Adviser.

Internal application: Students interested in the Boren Scholarship should access the online application on the Boren website and submit it by the deadline. Students will receive feedback and will have the chance to revise and resubmit their application before formal internal review.  

There is no limit on the number of students who may apply from Bryn Mawr. Each applicant will be reviewed and rated by an on-campus committee. Interested students are encouraged to contact Eleanor (Ellie) Stanford, Fellowship Adviser, in the fall semester or over winter break.