



学生们在第一周“买”课是很常见的. Students may attend classes they are not registered for to see if there is space available or if it is interesting. 如果你的课程有注册限制,而你已经超过了注册限制, 请对学生诚实,告诉他们没有地方了.  It is better for students to understand the situation rather than delaying enrollment decisions until late in the registration period. 如果你能承受一些, 但并非所有未注册的学生都是如此, please let us know right after class and provide us with their 名字s and ID numbers and we can run a secondary lottery. 学生必须被老师告知 第二次班会 如果他们在你班上有座位的话.

如果你没有注册限制, 欢迎所有学生,只要他们满足了课程的任何先决条件. 考勤,让未注册的学生用他们的身份证号码签到, 名字, 和电子邮件地址. Students who are interested in your course have until the Wednesday of the second week of class to register. It is a good idea to take formal attendance for at least the first two weeks of classes.

The 注册商's Office will do our best to accommodate all room change requests from 教师. 在某些情况下, we might ask you to be flexible and wait to move until the second week of classes so we can see what your actual enrollment will be to find the best space for you.

在布林莫尔的预注册期间,我们允许所有学生最多预注册4门课程.5单位. 在预注册期间强制执行先决条件,但是,入学限制没有. After preregistration ends, if a course has enrolled over its limit, we hold a lottery. 学院在预注册之前提供摇号标准, 这样学生们就明白了选修这门课程的优先顺序. 在你的彩票运行之后, results are emailed to students letting them know whether they have retained their seats, 是仅仅, 或者被从课程中除名. 除非一门课程有很高的入学限制, 我们尽量把候补名单限制在10名左右. This provides waitlisted students with a realistic chance of being admitted to the class. 在上课的第一天, 已登记但未上课的学生将丧失其座位.  学院可以为候补名单上的学生提供奖学金 许可数量 报名参加课程. 学院必须在录取入学学生之前排完候补名单, 但没有预先注册这门课.

许可数量 are six digit numbers specific to each course which allow a faculty member to provide digital permission for a student to enroll in their class that otherwise cannot. 许可号在每学期注册的最后一天过期. 有关如何访问您的 许可数量,请浏览我们的网站.

Swarthmore students are permitted to take Bryn Mawr classes only with instructor permission. Swarthmore students cannot be included in lotteries as they do not have the same priority in classes as Bryn Mawr and Haverford students. 只要你签了斯沃斯莫尔学生登记表, 你允许他们上这门课. 如果您不允许他们注册,请不要在表格上签名.

Students are automatically added to your Moodle course page approximately an hour after they register for your class 在仿生. 教师无法手动将学生添加到他们的课程页面. If a student is showing up on your roster 在仿生 and has not appeared on your Moodle roster yet, 请与服务台联系(x7440).

正式的班级名单在仿生学院的教学中心. 如果学生没有出现在你的仿生花名册上, 他们没有注册课程,也不会获得学分. 有关如何的更多信息 访问你的花名册,请浏览我们的网站.


Preregistration occurs towards the end of each semester to preregister for the following semester. Preregistration for the Spring semester occurs each November and preregistration for the Fall semester occurs each April. Incoming students and students returning from a leave of absence preregister in August for the Fall semester.  学生可以预注册最多4门课程.5单位. 缺乏某门课程的先决条件的学生, but receive permission from the instructor to register must obtain a 许可数量 from the professor. 许可数量 如果要抽签,不保证学生在班里有一席之地吗, 而是允许他们预先注册.

如果有学生在你的课堂上遇到困难,请联系学生的教务长. We want to make sure the student can be successful and provide them any additional resources that might be helpful.

布林茅没有药物滴剂. 注意到学生还在花名册上的教员, 但有一段时间没有上课,应通知学生的教务长. After a conversation with you and the student, the Dean may authorize a late drop or a withdrawal.

在常规上课时间以外的房间预订是通过预订的 会议和活动 并应保留与 EMS. 如果你需要一个不同的房间作为你的教室,请联系注册办公室.


期末考试可能是其中之一 定期安排或自行安排. Examination information for each course is collected by the 注册商's Office and distributed to all students several weeks before the beginning of the examination period. 自行安排的考试由注册主任办公室管理, 在学生课程委员会和荣誉委员会的协助下. Self-Scheduled Exams are handed out in the Upper Level of Guild Hall at the beginning of each self-scheduled exam period. Students that come 15 minutes after the start of exam period may not be permitted to take their exam. 欲知更多有关 考试,请访问我们的网站.

教务处为自行安排和安排的期末考试安排房间. Reservations for midterm or other in-class 考试 must be made by the faculty member through 会议和活动.

大约是一个学期的一个月, the 注册商's Office will contact each faculty member to request their exam information. If the faculty member elects to have a self-scheduled exam (which is the standard exam type) for their course, 考生将在指定的自考时段参加考试. 学生可以在考试结束前完成自己安排的考试. 如果教员选择安排考试, the 注册商's Office schedules the exam based on what other 考试 students in the class have to complete. 房间,日期和时间将被分配. 教员需要为考试提供便利, 因为注册办公室不会发放考试时间表. 教师 members who give final papers or projects in lieu of a final exam should give students the full length of the exam period to complete the final paper/project.

Any written work other than the final exam/paper/project which is due at the end of the exam period cannot be due any later than the last day of classes. 这可以让学生专注于每节课的最后一次体验. Extensions to this deadline for individual students must be approved by the student's Dean.

最终成绩必须填写在你的 年级的名单 在仿生. 对于第一季度的课程,成绩将在本季度结束后的两周内提交. 第二季度和整个学期的课程, Fall grades are due the first day the college is open after Winter Break (typically around Jan. 2).  Spring grades are due the Monday after the end of senior 考试 for seniors and one week after the end of the semester for non-seniors. 所有成绩的截止日期都是中午. It is imperative that grades are entered on time as the 注册商's Office has deadlines to adhere to which require to us have all the final grades.

布林·莫尔的成绩是4分.0规模. 完整的 评分量表 可以在网上找到.

教师 who have talked to students about allowing an extension for assignments/考试 past the end of the exam period must discuss the plan with the student's Dean.  A student's inability to complete the work or submit the work does not automatically warrant an extension. 如果延期在成绩到期之前被批准, an "I" grade (meaning incomplete) will be entered by the 注册商's Office after receiving the Incomplete Form from the 院长办公室. The form contains information on the work to be completed and the new deadline for both the work and the final grade.

如果你在延期被批准之前进入成绩, 请在年级名册上输入“UI”,并与学生的教务长联系. 如果延期被批准,该等级将变为“I”.如果你提交了“UI”,注册办公室会要求你提供一个临时成绩. 这是学生在没有提交额外作业的情况下的成绩. 如果延期未获批准,将张贴此成绩. 如未提交临时成绩,且未获批准延期,则为0分.0将被张贴.




101 N. 梅里恩大街.