Program Requirements and Opportunities

Published annually, 课程目录列出了学术课程——专业的要求, minors, and concentrations. 每个布林莫尔的学生必须在大二结束前宣布一个专业. 学生也可以选修辅修或主修科目,但这两项都不需要获得a.B. degree. 学生在申报专业时必须遵守《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》中规定的要求, minor and/or concentration.

The Course Catalog also sets out the College requirements. 学生必须遵守在进入布林茅尔学院时公布的学院要求.

For more information, visit the Catalog Homepage to view the current content. To view Catalogs from previous academic years, visit the Catalog Archives page.

Students may complete a major or minor in Geology. 在本专业内,学生可以完成地球化学的集中学习.

本系旨在为学生提供全面的地球科学教育,在地质学的基础知识与广泛适用的解决问题和沟通技巧之间取得平衡. The integrated science of geology combines biology, chemistry, 和物理学,因为它们适用于地球和其他行星的运作. 训练有素的地球科学家越来越需要解决现代世界的环境挑战和自然资源限制. 理解和预测地球过程和环境变化的核心原则是从地质记录中破译过去地球历史的能力. Thus, the major in Geology includes study of the physics and chemistry of Earth materials and processes; the history of the Earth and its organisms; and the range of techniques used to investigate the past and present workings of the Earth system. Experiential learning is an important part of geology training. Field trips, lab work, 其他实践经验是我们许多课程和学生研究项目的一部分.

Major Requirements 

本专业必修12门课程:GEOL 101(地球如何运作), 202 (Mineralogy), 203 (Biosphere through Time), 204 (Structural Geology), 205 (Sedimentary Materials and Environments), 至少两个学期的定量或计算课程(如.g., MATH 101 and 102 or alternates approved by your adviser), 两个学期的化学(103-104)或物理(101-102或121-122)序列, GEOL 399/400, 两门高级地质学课程或者一门高级地质学课程外加一门高级生物学课程, chemistry, mathematics, physics, or computer science.

通过完成GEOL 202课程,完成地质学专业的写作要求, 204 and 205, all of which are writing attentive.

在相关科学的额外课程,强烈建议,并要求大多数研究生院. 希望从事地质学工作的学生被鼓励参加暑期实地课程, usually following completion of the 200-level courses for the major.

Senior Capstone 

All Geology majors participate in a senior capstone experience, which is a year-long course series (GEOL 399/GEOL 400), totaling one credit, that combines an independent project and a bi-weekly seminar. The independent project gives students the opportunity and experience of creatively developing their own academic project; following through on that project; getting constructive feedback on that project; revising and improving that project; and submitting a report or other product that effectively communicates the project’s outcomes. 学生的独立项目可以采取各种创造性的形式,并与学生商定的顾问协商发展. Ideally the independent project is organized, planned, 并由学生和指导老师在学生三年级结束时安排. So as not to overload any one faculty member in the department, the total number of students will, as best as possible, be distributed across the faculty evenly, 优先考虑那些项目与指定教员的专业知识重叠的学生.

顶点研讨会的重点是加强学生解决地球科学问题的能力,并以口头和书面形式交流他们的发现. 学生和教师每隔一周会面一次,以发展完成独立项目所需的技能, discuss topics related to scientific literacy and practice, and prepare students for the next step in their careers.

Minor Requirements

A minor in Geology consists of two 100-level Geology courses, 以及该系提供的200级或300级课程中的任意四门. Two 0.5门学分课程可以合并为100级课程之一. Alternatively, 额外的200级或300级课程可以代替100级课程之一,以满足辅修要求.

Concentration in Geochemistry

地球化学集中鼓励地质学或化学专业的学生设计以地球化学为重点的课程. 集中文件应当与主要工作计划同时归档. For a Geology major with a concentration in geochemistry, the following are required: GEOL 101, 202, 203, 204, 205, and 399; CHEM 103 (General Chemistry) and CHEM 104 (General Chemistry II); CHEM 211(Organic Chemistry) or CHEM 231 (Inorganic Chemistry); GEOL 302 (Low Temperature Geochemistry) or GEOL 305 (Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology) or GEOL 350 (requires major advisor approval); one additional 300-level geochemistry-themed GEOL course or one additional advanced CHEM course. For a Chemistry major with a concentration in geochemistry, 除了化学专业要求(见化学专业指导老师)之外,还需要以下内容:GEOL 101(地球是如何工作的), GEOL 202 (Mineralogy/Crystal Chemistry), 另外两个300级地球化学主题的GEOL课程,包括GEOL 302(低温地球化学)或GEOL 305(火成岩和变质岩石学)或GEOL 350(需要地质学专业顾问批准). 有关课程规划建议,请联系Pedro Marenco(地质学)或Sharon Burgmayer(化学).

