


T在这里 are many ways for all community members to get involved. Being more sustainable on campus isn't only something for students. 教职员工也可以提供帮助. Look at our list below for ways you can be more involved with sustainability. If you're looking for personal ways to make change, check out our tips for what you can do to be more sustainable! 


  1. 检查 环境研究 即将举行的活动日历.
  2. Consider ways that you can be more green in your practices. Look over our list of tips below to see what you can do!
  3. 加入学生的努力,如 社区花园.
  4. Join a Self Government Association Appointed Position (Green Ambassador Co-Head, 校园绿化 Representative) or run for an Elected Position (绿色大使)
  5. 去上课 环境研究 系或考虑成为主修或副修.
  6. 申请 绿色格兰特 from the Deans Office for summer internships and study.
  7. 公民参与办事处 for opportunities for volunteering with environmental causes.
  8. 查看公民参与办公室的名单 环境志愿者机会 to see what local organizations you could volunteer with. 


  1. 检查 环境研究 即将举行的活动日历.
  2. 加入 可持续发展领导小组, or talk to your department representative for the SLG.
  3. Refer to our list of tips below to see what you can do to be more sustainable.
  4. 考虑乘坐公共交通工具 省钱 既然你这么做了!
  5. 在你的部门建立一个拼车小组.
  6. For Faculty, consider how topics on the environment may play into your course material. 考虑在户外上课, 有一个关于环境正义的环节, or, for science classes having an experiment involving the use of Rhoads Pond, 野花保护区, 太阳能电池板, 或者其他校园资源.
  7. Turn off your computer and monitor at the end of the day.
  8. Delete old emails that you no longer need - the internet required energy to run too.
  9. Print only when necessary, and when you do, print double sided.
  10. Utilize daylight in your office instead of turning on the lights.
  11. 如果你控制暖气或空调, turn it off or dial it back overnight and during the weekends.
  12. 在家里和商店使用可重复使用的物品, 比如食物容器, 可重复使用的蜡纸, 可重复使用的农产品袋, 布袋, 等.
  13. Consider what changes you can make at home such as composting, 安装LED灯泡或太阳能电池板, 使用低流量水装置等!
  14. Consider if it's worthwhile to purchase renewable energy over fossil fuels, 许多能源公司都提供这种选择.
  15. 带上不常见的可回收物品(灯泡), 可充电电池, 气溶胶, and ink cartridges) to Facilities in the Ward Building.锚


Explore all of Bryn Mawr's student-led clubs, including Bi-College and Tri-College groups, on the 学生参与网站.



每个动作都很重要. Your personal actions influence your habits and those around you. Be a good example - it'll help yourself and your planet!

Although this list is written for dorms and college libraries, 其中许多做法都可以应用于办公室, 公寓, 房屋, 和更多的.


  • 如果你有选择的话, only run your heat and air condition when you're in your room (information about how to operate your units can be found 在这里)
  • Instead of adjusting the temperature in your room to be more comfortable, adjust your clothing - put on a sweatshirt or take off a layer
  • 为你的个人灯具投资LED灯
  • 尽可能使用自然光
  • Only turn on your lights when you need them - and don't forget to turn them off!
  • Unplug unused or less frequently used items - they're still using energy
  • 在冬天, 在夏天,如果你的宿舍有空调, make sure your windows are closed tight - leaky and open windows require a lot more energy to keep your room comfortable
  • 使用后请关闭所有AV设备
  • 关灯 
  • 白天使用自然光
  • Take as much as you're willing to eat - you can always go back for more 
  • 限制使用外带容器的数量
  • 在选择外带之前先在家里吃
  • 如果你决定边走边吃, ditch the plastic utensils - keep a set of reusable utensils in your bag!
  • Bring your own travel mugs instead of taking a paper cup
  • 不要用吸管
  • Use the drying racks located in the laundry rooms
  • Use cool water - it makes your clothes last longer, and your clothes are still just as clean as if you used hot water
  • 只有当你有一大堆衣服要洗的时候才洗
  • Do your laundry less frequently - rewear items before washing
  • 使用环保洗衣产品
  • 把烘干机里的绒毛倒出来
  • 双面打印
  • 每面打印两页
  • Do your readings on your computer instead of printing
  • 用黑白墨水代替彩色墨水
  • Don't run the water while you're brushing your teeth or washing dishes
  • 缩短淋浴时间
  • Use slightly cooler water than you usually do - heating requires energy too!
  • 你离开的时候把灯关掉
  • 回收! Toilet paper and paper towel rolls, plastic bottles, 和更多的 can be recycled
  • 寻找公平贸易或有机产品
  • When buying items in containers, look for plastics, metals, and glass that can be recycled
  • Think about whether or not you really need it before you buy it
  • Buy food items in bulk - doing this reduces the amount of packaging
  • 总是带一个可重复使用的袋子!
  • Buy things used - thrift stores, free boxes, and other places of resale are great resources
  • Consider shopping at a local store before going to a chain store
  • If given the option, request an e-receipt instead of a paper receipt