GSSWSR students

M.S.S. Advanced Specializations

社会工作与社会研究研究生院采用交叉视角, 培养学生的整体视角,通过对权力的深入分析,将微观和宏观的实践联系起来, positionality, and structural oppression.

Clinical Social Work Practice

我们在临床社会工作实践方面的高级专业侧重于个人实践, families, and groups. Grounded in the history of the social work profession, 这种高级专业化强调在职业道德准则范围内的实践, and with special regard for social, economic, racial and environmental justice.

在包括临床社会工作高级专业的课程中, 学生将学习如何利用科学探究和证据为实践提供信息, and how practice experiences can be used to raise new questions. 这门高级专业的两个核心实践课程是在生物心理社会精神框架内设置的, the person-in-environment model, and a strengths perspective.

学生在通才入门的基础上进行实践,并加深他们运用批判性思维的认知和情感过程的能力, creativity, and self-reflection. 学生利用风险和保护因素框架以及对发展知情方法的理解进行社会工作实践. 重点放在有效实践所需的知识、价值观和技能上.

期望学生扩展他们对通才课程中获得的帮助过程的理解,并在包括参与在内的帮助过程的所有阶段表现出更高水平的能力, assessment, intervention planning, ending process, and practice evaluation.

Throughout the clinical social work advanced specialization, courses emphasize diversity and difference in practice. 完成临床社会工作高级专业的学生可以进行比较和对比, from a critical theory perspective, multiple theoretical frameworks, including psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, social-constructionist and integrative frameworks.  

Our definition of clinical social work is expansive, based on scientific inquiry and best practices, 并建立在通才的实践能力掌握在该计划的通才年. Grounded in a strong understanding of social work values and ethics, 临床社会工作高级专业是建立在这些知识的基础上的, values, 与通才水平的社会工作实践相关的技能、认知和情感过程, to develop advanced knowledge and skills such as:

  1. Providing psychotherapy that consists of collaborative assessment, diagnosis, and treatment-related work.
  2. 支持性咨询,强调临床医生的工作,以支持客户通过困难的经历或时期的功能, or in support of other forms of treatment (e.g. medical intervention).
  3. 临床知情的病例管理,临床医生合作评估客户的需求, connect the client with resources and services, and help clients address conflicts and gaps in care, community connection, and support.   

临床社会工作高级专业包括五门必修课和三门高级选修课. 必修课程包括两门高级实践课程(临床社会工作I及临床社会工作II)。, a specialization course in assessment (Assessment and Psychopathology), 以及两个学期的实习教育,与临床社会工作I和临床社会工作II同时进行. 

In addition, 学生必须选修三门课程,但可以自主选择这些课程. 选修课程的结构是连接微观和宏观层面的实践. While a given course, such as Trauma-Informed Social Work with Children and Adolescents, may center a particular concentration (e.g., Clinical Social Work), 通过处理与政策有关的问题,尽一切努力跨系统级别移动, and both organizational and community context.  

Macro Practice: Communities, Organizations, Policy, & Advocacy

我们的高级专业化,宏观实践:社区,组织,政策, & Advocacy, 培养学生的专业社会工作,整合多个层次的实践:个人, family, community, and organizational, 通过重点了解和协调这些社区的优先事项,并帮助形成响应, socially just programs and policies. 

Equipped for macro social work careers, students emerge well-poised for positions of leadership, with keen understandings of organizational and community dynamics. In addition, graduates are knowledgeable about how to evaluate, grow, and sustain programs, organizations, and strategic alliances.

毕业生在社区和组织参与中积极借鉴多种理论和框架, assessment, intervention, and evaluation, including organizational and systems theories, theories of change, theories of community development and organizational behavior, theories of policy advocacy, legal processes, reasoning, and analysis. 鼓励学生参加社会工作执照考试,并将他们的宏观视角带入临床和混合社会工作实践机会. 

Conducted in a highly interactive and dialogical approach, 我们的课程培养学生的批判性思维和有效的领导能力, 并使学生具备在社区和组织发展中合作努力所需的知识和技能, engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation.

Students are trained in: policy advocacy; community organizing; distributive leadership; process facilitation; participatory problem/priority identification; decision making; conducting effective meetings; team building; communication; supervision; conflict resolution; management of organizational processes and services, individuals, and task groups; program planning and implementation; budgeting; fundraising. 

这种高级专业化强调对当前政策趋势的批判性分析, advocacy, and activism. Along with innovative macro practice-focused field placements, our courses prepare students with the knowledge, skills, and values required to understand the social, political, and economic contexts of social work. 

三个学期的宏观课程序列突出了社会工作实践的社会文化背景,以及制度实践和压迫对群体的不同影响, requiring specific priorities related to consciousness raising, advocacy, and transformative practice. 这符合我们专业的激进传统,即寻求发现和破坏压迫为幸福创造障碍的方式, 我们的重点是强调系统和社区导向的实践, focusing on anti-oppressive engagement, community-led and directed assessment, analysis, and program development and evaluation, community education, and progressive frameworks for policy analysis and activism. 

The advanced specialization in Communities, Organizations, Policy & Advocacy includes five required courses and three advanced electives. 必修课程包括两门高级实践课程(社区实践、政策) & Advocacy I and II), 一个评估专业课程(社区评估)和两个学期的实地教育与社区实践同时进行, Policy & Advocacy I and Community Practice, Policy & Advocacy II. 

In addition, 学生必须选修三门课程,但可以自主选择这些课程. 选修课程的结构是连接微观和宏观层面的实践. While a given course, such as Trauma-Informed Social Work with Children and Adolescents, may center a particular advanced specialization (e.g., Clinical Social Work), 通过处理与政策有关的问题,尽一切努力跨系统级别移动, and both organizational and community context.