

完整的资格和标准细节在 如何申请页面.

需要获得认可的四年制大学的学士学位, 以及优秀的本科学习成绩, 两个字母 推荐信(至少一封必须来自前任教授), 教练, 或者是熟悉你学术能力的指导老师 at the college level), 以及SAT/ACT成绩,如果你参加过这些标准化考试中的任何一个. 如果你参加过GRE或其他研究生水平的标准化考试, 欢迎你把这些分数寄给我们, 但不能代替, 你的SAT/ACT成绩.

该计划主要是为那些正在转行的人设计的, 他们中的许多人都是科学新手.

You can be considered for the program if you have or will have completed a bachelor’s degree by the time you start the postbac program and have a strong academic record in college.

The postbac program is designed for individuals who have 不 taken the prerequisite science courses for admission to medical school. The core science requirements for medical school are one year of General Chemistry, 一年生物, 一年物理, 一年有机化学(都有实验室). 

Although Bryn Mawr may consider an applicant who has completed up to half of these requirements, applicants are generally 不 advanced to interview for the program if they have completed all or a majority of these courses within the past 5 years. If an applicant has completed up to half of these requirements within five years of their prospective start at Bryn Mawr, 他们不适合我们的项目.

No. 参加MCAT考试的人是 无论他们什么时候参加过MCAT考试,都有资格申请布林莫尔的项目.

进入布林莫尔大学的后修课程竞争非常激烈. Your application must demonstrate your ability to handle an academically rigorous course load in the sciences as well as a strong commitment to, 以及对, 医学.

你可以在任何时候申请这个项目. 而在过去, we recommended that seniors wait until the mid-point of their senior year to apply, 我们决定放宽这种做法. 请随时申请,只要你认为你的申请是最强的. Our Admissions Committee will determine if there is sufficient information to be able to move an application forward. If a senior applies during the fall and the Committee believes that an additional semester of grades and/or experience will be helpful to have, 高年级学生的申请可能会被搁置.

虽然这个问题没有唯一的“正确”答案, you should demonstrate that you have carefully thought about your motivation for a career change as well as your commitment to a medical career. 在医疗保健或社会服务机构有意义的经验, 无论是专业的还是志愿者的角色, 能帮你证明这个承诺吗.


我们的申请要求 一份个人陈述 (最多5300个字符, (包括空格)关于你从事医疗事业的原因.

申请人可以再写一篇, optional essay if there are further experiences 不 included in their Personal Statement, 或者在应用程序的其他地方, that they would like to share with the Admissions Committee (最多5300个字符 with spaces).

You must arrange to have two (2) letters of recommendation completed on your behalf, 其中一篇必须由以前的教授写, 教练, 或者是熟悉你学术能力的指导老师.

We understand that it may be challenging to obtain an academic recommendation if you have been out of school for a few years. 我们建议你们尽最大努力, 当你申请医学院的时候, you will want to provide letters of recommendation from each academic setting since starting college. 


请参阅 PostbacCAS申请人帮助中心 有关如何申请推荐信的说明.

你的成绩单必须通过PostbacCAS提交. 不要把成绩单直接寄到布林茅尔学院. 请参阅 PostbacCAS申请人帮助中心 有关订购成绩单的说明. 


  • 布林莫尔要求申请人使用 世界评估服务(WES) 将他们的成绩单处理并提交给PostbacCAS. 在你的PostbacCAS申请的“学术历史”部分, 请为所有非美国学生选择“订购WES评估”.S. 你曾就读的院校. You do 不 need to manually enter transcript information in the coursework section for courses completed at non-US institution.


  • 美国海外机构1-2个学期, 或者一个夏天, 在美国机构留学, or if your study abroad credits and grades appear on your home institution transcript, 在PostbacCAS的成绩单审核中,将这些课程标记为“海外学习”, 并安排将成绩单直接寄给PostbacCAS.
  • 美国以外的机构1-2个学期, 或者一个夏天, of study overseas at a non-US institution please report that you attended a foreign institution in the "Academic History" section of your application. 不列出修过的课程. 在非美国机构的课程不能记录在PostbacCAS中. 我们不需要成绩单,也不需要外国成绩单评估服务. In our program application we provide applicants an opportunity to include information about the grades they received during their study abroad experience.

It can take up to three weeks from the time we receive and review your completed application materials until the time we contact you to inform you if you will be invited for an interview. 面试之后, it can take four to six weeks before we 不ify you of the decision by the Admissions Committee.

We recommend that you check your PostbacCAS account to track your application status. Once your application is marked "complete," we are able to begin the review process.


There is an optional question on the PostBacCAS application to explain how you have been impacted by COVID-19—academically, 专业, and personally—and we will consider your comments on this topic very carefully and compassionately.

The Admissions Committee understands that the Spring 2020 semester (for those who were in college or graduate school at that time) involved many difficult challenges and changes. 类似于医学院的录取, our Admissions Committee is looking for evidence that applicants are prepared to thrive academically while taking a very demanding set of courses in a condensed 12-month schedule. 这种准备的演示将是独一无二的每个申请人. 至于你对医学的兴趣, the committee is also very aware of the circumstances around the country that have necessitated the cancellations of volunteer opportunities and other health-related experiences.

与健康相关的志愿者经验不是入学要求, 然而, 我们希望看到你对医学动机的深思熟虑的表达. 你的动机可以基于许多经验, 无论是个人还是职业, 早在COVID-19到来之前. But to be clear: we are certainly aware that a number of health-related volunteer programs and employment opportunities have been suspended. The Admissions Committee reviews all aspects of applications including high school and college grades as well as work and volunteer experiences, 对这种不寻常的情况深表同情. 你可以找到有关课外活动的有用信息, AAMC网站上与健康相关的机会.

减少校园内传播的风险, 布林莫尔目前限制外部游客进入校园. 这并不理想, 特别是因为我们有这么美丽的校园, 但这项政策是为了每个人的安全.

To learn more about the Bryn Mawr campus, please see the extensive offerings on our 互动地图. 详细描述了位置, 包括公园科学中心,邮差花了很多时间. There are also several virtual tours; in particular, 我们建议参观整个校园, 费城, 和体育中心.