UDL Guidelines for Learning Experiences

In the College’s Commitments to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism, Bryn Mawr College strengthened its commitment to its community members by adopting the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework as a guideline for learning experiences offered at the College.


  1. Presenting content to be learned in multiple ways
  2. Engaging learners in multiple ways
  3. Giving learners multiple ways to demonstrate their understanding

UDL在教育领域的发展主要是作为一种包容残疾学生的机制, 从概念上讲,该框架涵盖了现代大学中存在的所有与教育相关的差异.  通用设计的学习体验提供了多种选择和灵活的结构,为尽可能多的学习者提供了最大限度发挥潜力的学习机会.

UDL can reduce, but will never eliminate, the need to provide individualized accommodations for specific learners.

How to Incorporate UDL Principles into Learning Experiences

Faculty, staff, 学生将UDL框架纳入他们设计和教授的课程和其他学习经验中,重点关注以下三件事:

Clear learning outcomes, 或者通过总结学习经验来陈述你希望学习者知道或能够做什么, are fundamental for designing any learning experience.  清晰的学习成果可以帮助你设计和衡量学习活动的有效性, 确保你要求学习者做的事情作为学习经验的一部分有助于他们的发展, apply, and practice the skills and knowledge you expect them to learn. 它们还通过提供度量基准和确保评估适当地发挥作用来帮助评估学习.

向学习者清楚地传达学习成果,并确保他们了解学习活动和评估与这些成果之间的关系,对于创造包容性学习体验,使每个人都能取得成功也至关重要.  Learners cannot make informed decisions about how to manage their time and effort, or assess the efficacy of their learning strategies, 如果他们不明白对他们的期望,以及学习经历的不同元素与这些期望之间的关系.  For example, 当学习者被告知阅读材料的选择和安排是为了提供理解课堂上讨论和应用的概念所需的背景信息, 他们会更有效地集中注意力,更好地理解课前完成阅读的重要性.  Learners’ past experiences, perspectives, and assumptions vary; adequately explaining activities, assignments, resources, and goals is crucial.  强烈建议定期与学习者联系,以确保他们理解课程的期望.

Finally, 要成功地将UDL框架固有的灵活性和多样性融入到学习体验中,明确的学习结果是必要的.  学习成果将帮助你确定灵活性和选择的适当限度——也就是说, 在不影响学习目标和/或成绩衡量的情况下,如何为学习者提供灵活性或选择.  UDL is not an excuse to lower academic standards, 相反,它提供了一种识别和保留成功学习所必需的东西的方法,同时消除了可能阻碍一些学习者实现学习的任意或不必要的障碍.

Flexibility and options are central to UDL.  Incorporating multiple, flexible ways of presenting course material, engaging learners, 使学习者能够展示他们的知识和技能,可以增加每个人充分参与并能够充分展示他们学习的机会.  学习者有机会根据自己的兴趣或个人学习目标定制学习经历,可以增加包容性和积极性——一个例子是允许学生从阅读列表中选择或塑造自己的研究主题.  为学习者提供其他处理信息的方法可以帮助他们最有效地利用学习时间和精力, if the goal of a weekly response paper is solidifying understanding (retrieval practice), 作业可以扩展为使用PowerPoint和音频回答来绘制概念图,为那些视觉思考或难以用书面表达想法的学习者提供一种更有效的实现目标的方法.  Asking learners to demonstrate skills and knowledge in diverse ways (e.g., orally, in writing, 在一个简短的视频中)增加了每个人至少有一次机会通过一个利用他们的优势的媒体来展示他们的学习.  设计工作坊和其他允许多种形式参与的学习体验——比如小组讨论, 在线论坛的书面帖子或向同行提供书面反馈-包括可能有说话困难的参与者,并为他们提供有意义的贡献和自我表达途径.  It also encourages self-reflection from those learners who are quick to speak.

Colleges are legally required to ensure that all learners have access to all aspects of the learning experience; this is also a primary goal of universal design for learning.  这包括确保教室内外使用的所有学习材料都是可访问的,并且当材料显示给一组时,启用了诸如标题之类的可访问特性.  See Bryn Mawr College’s Accessibility Policy for Classroom Instruction, Accessibility for College Events Policy and Web Accessibility Policy 确保面对面和在线会议和学习材料可访问的指导方针.  Like the other aspects of UDL, 关注可访问性有助于确保每个人都能充分参与并从学习经验中受益,并展示他们的学习成果.


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Access Services
Eugenia Chase Guild Hall
Room 103 and 104
101 N. Merion Ave.
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010
Fax: 610-526-7451